Wednesday, September 29, 2010

entry 8:: DIGI iPhone 4 Me

the goat eat the apple meh?

bermula dgn ini...tgk2 website nuffnang, kua ini punya gmba...apekah??
ade s'org pngembala kambing yg brnama DIGI mahu bela kmbing
plih tarikh  24.09.10...[tarikh tu ade ong katenye]
lalu die pun mmbela kmbing,,utk mndptkan kmbing yg sehat, die kasi makan epal...

kambing makan epal kah??
eh bukan begitu lah.....
gmbar tu mksudnye...
::the DIGI i-Phone 4 is kambing (coming) to town on 24.09.10::

teruja2 err...hihi
jgn teruja je tp xde usaha!!

mari kite masuk contest DIGI i-Phone 4 the Win

nape saye mahu telipon baru???
ini model telipon sy skrg
2100 (gmbar hiasan)

hset sy da tsngat la bruk oh! keypad nye da xbtol pastu tak alih2 nt mesti mati ttbe jer..xphm..sobbiesssss
pastu smua org da ksian tgk henpon sy, smua org suh yg smua2 org tu bkn nk sdekah kan sy i-phone...hik3
dsbabkn henpon sy da trsgt buruk, jd sy mahu dtransformkan kpada henpon yg sgt la cnggih n convenient sgt2...i-phone 4g la jwpnnye kan??

nasib baik ade contest sy lmbat bukak email da kne tkocoh2 mahu siapkan 4 task ini.....~~sigh
tp sy still mahu mncuba,,sape tau kan ade rjeki..:-)

nape sy mahu i-phone 4g??
sbb ia adalah satu benda yg dicipta utk mmudahkan pngguna selain dr sgt cantik!!
the designer have been researching 4 a long time to get the best best ever handphone..
this is it!! i-phone 4g oh!!!

apple i-Phone 4G....mabeles!!!
bile tgk ni, sape yg tanak????
1. design nye sgt cntik, 
-9.3 mm thin (the world's thinnest!!)
-die punye design dlm tu dilitupi dgn aluminosilicate glass...tau function glass ni ape???
ianye 20 kali keras dan 30 kali kuat dr plastik..pastu incredibly scratch resistant..ssuai la utk sy yg ganas & lasak ni..skit2 hset trcmpak..-tp lau dpt tepon ni sy smpan lam kotak kain yg tebal klau jatuh pun tak tguris.....syg beb..heh
this type of glass also have been used in the windshield of helicopters and high-speed train...oh hebat errrr

2. pencahayaan display screen nye sgt ssuai utk mata
maksudnye adelah, skrin die punye color and contrast tu ssuai sgt utk mata xdelah kite sakit mata..n then klau kite tgk angle dr mane pun, tonggeng2 ke, ttap xbrubah kaler skrin die...oh tantekk nyerr

bile dilihat dr bbrapa angel

3. stainless steel band

-body die made of the alloy that five times stronger than stainless steel..
- pastu die punye machined band adlh mounting point for all the components of this iphone yg scara xlngsung bfungsi sbgai antenna kpd this mabeles gagdet!!

the band

lagi lagi dan lagi i-phone 4..oh mahu mahu mahu

4. ade processor trsndiri

-nmenye adelah apple A4 Processor....satu cip yg boleh mmbolehkan multitasking n complex job can be done...dan juge bole mmanjangkan hayat bateri.....wah bagus!

Apple A4 Processor

5. camera 5 mp +LED

-wpun dlm keadaan chaya yang suram2, tp gmba yg dicapture tetap jugak cntik...apetahlagi bile ade LED yg bfungsi sbg flash mase amik gmbar dan juga bile shooting a video, it can stay on to light up the scene

6. Microfon + Speaker
- i-Phone 4 ade 2 microfon,,walllaweehhh...gabungan kedua2 microfon ni can reduce unwanted and distracting mase kite tgh bgayut ngn org, suare akan jd very clear......emmmmmm kagum2

mic + speaker

7. multi-touch

ape macam?
menarik kan.....
bestnye kalau dapat........~~~~~

so, sape2 yg bminat nk join contest ni gak...jom jenguk sini....

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